Lincoln University - Email Setup for Smartphones (IT)

Lincoln University Email Setup for Smartphones Instructions

Note:  No two cellphones are exactly alike when it comes to configuring email. IOS and Android devices are configured differently. Please see instructions for setup for the specific device type below.

IOS Operating System (Apple device)

Note: Make sure that you have installed the current (most up to date) version of the operating system to avoid configuration issues.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select: Mail Contacts Calendars
  3. Select Add account
  4. From the list of options, select Exchange
    Note: Exchange is the preferred option; however, if exchange does not work Select “POP”
  5. You will be directed to a screen that asks three questions:
    Username: use the same username that you use for your Lincoln email account; however, INCLUDE
    Password: enter your Lincoln email password here

    Description: This is optional, use if you want to name the email account. This helps for individuals who have multiple email accounts setup on one device.
  6. Host/server name:
  7. Domain name: main-campus
    Note: Please be sure to enter the host/server and domain names as they appear listed here.

Android Operating System (Samsung, HTC, Microsoft, etc. devices)

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select the General tab
  3. Then select Accounts
  4. Then select Add account
  5. From the list of options, select Microsoft Exchange
    (Note: Exchange is the preferred option; however, if exchange does not work Select “POP”)
  6. You will be directed to a screen that asks for your:
    Username: use the same username that you use for your Lincoln email account; however, INCLUDE
    Password: enter your Lincoln email password here
  7. You will then be directed to the Exchange server settings
    Change these settings to:
    Domain/username: main-campus
    Exchange server:
    Note: Please be sure to enter the host/server and domain names as they appear listed here.